Родная деревня


Create packaging for a new line of sausage and semi-smoked cheeses, which will be sold in a popular local supermarket chain. The packaging must meet the high standards of supermarkets and attract the attention of customers.



We have conducted a detailed analysis of the sausage cheese market by examining existing products and packages. Cheese is produced strictly according to GOST (State Standard), which has been in force since the Soviet era, symbolizing quality and reliability. We also took into account the region of production — the Jizzakh region, known for its developed cattle breeding, clean air and natural pastures. This became the basis for choosing the name and visual style of the packaging.


Based on the research, we proposed the name “Native Village”, it immediately adjusts to warmth and comfort, and also emphasizes the connection with the pure nature of Jizzakh. The packaging design came out bright and memorable: a beautiful village girl in the foreground and traditional ornaments enhance a sense of trust and commitment to the good old traditions, bring simplicity and sincerity.



In the near future, the “Native Village” will decorate the shelves of the most popular supermarket chain. The new packaging does not just attract attention — it inspires confidence and emphasizes the high quality of the product.

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