In Uzbekistan, tea is not just an everyday drink. It is a part of local culture, Uzbek people, a symbol of hospitality and kindness. Therefore, the importance of tea products in every region of Uzbekistan is increasing day by day.
We were contacted by our client, a local tea producer based in Karakalpakstan. They needed to develop a name, logo and packaging design for a new product. Our team started with research. As a result of the research, we found out that in the history of Karakalpakstan there were five fortresses ruled by five khans.
Based on this information, we decided to name the new product “Bes Khan”. It means “Five Khans”. At the next stage we designed a logo combining the chosen name and the type of product. In the logo, we showed a tea leaf representing the number five.
Bizga Qoraqalpogʼistonda joylashgan mahalliy choy ishlab chiqaruvchi mijozimiz murojaat bilan chiqdilar. Ularga yangi mahsulot uchun nomini, logotipini va uning qadoq dizaynini ishlab chiqishimiz kerak edi. Jamoamiz dastlab ishni soxani tadqiq qilish bilan boshladi. Izlanishlar natijasida biz tarixda Qoraqalpogʼistonda beshta qalʼa boʼlganligini, ularni beshta xon boshqarganligini aniqladik.
Ushbu maʼlumotlarga asoslanib biz yangi mahsulotni «Bes Xan» deb nomlashga qaror qildik. Bu «Besh xon»degan maʼnoni anglatadi. Keyingi bosqichda tanlangan nom va mahsulot turini birlashtirgan xolda logotipni ishlab chiqdik. Logotipda biz besh raqamini ifodalovchi choy bargini koʼrsatdik.