Task: to create a colorful name and package design based on market requirements
Name: Zelish After market research and analyzing consumer demand, we came up with a proposal to name the brand with a vivid and memorable character. The character needed to represent the target audience with its name, appearance and character. As a result, we put forward the name “Zelish”.
“Zelish” is a name of Turkish origin, but is also found in Uzbek girls. Its meaning is “little girl”, “younger girl”. Usually younger girls are masculine, cheerful and cheerful.
In addition, the name “Zelish” rhymes with words such as Paris, Zephyr, Baby.
We suggested this name to the client after checking it with the Intellectual Property Agency and finding it empty.
Character and packaging design: Packaging design is of particular importance when selling confectionery products. The brighter the packaging on the shelves, the more it stands out from other packaging and the more likely the product is to be bought.
The brightness of the packaging expresses the position of the brand and prevents it from disappearing in a competitive market. We used an illustration of a special character – a pretty Uzbek girl – to express the brightness. And the shiny packaging further emphasizes the bright colors. In addition, we presented the packaging in different color variations.