Numa Kids 

How to Win a Child’s Love? With the Help of Superheroes!
Last year, our agency created mascots for Numa, a company that produces children’s supplements. These bright characters quickly won the hearts of children and helped the brand distinguish itself from competitors. Due to the success implementation of the mascots, the company decided to further develop its brand.



Numa wanted to increase brand recognition by creating a unified visual and emotional experience for all its products. The goal was to make it easier for customers to discover and become interested in other products by purchasing one.


We developed a comic book that featured all five mascots coming together to fight a common enemy – a disease caused by a villain. The comic was included as a gift with each purchase, helping to create an emotional connection between children and the characters.The launch of the comic book series was a great success. The mascots became beloved characters that children recognized and imitated. Parents noticed the increased interest in the brand’s products, which helped sales managers use “cross-sell” and “upsell” techniques effectively. This led to a significant increase in sales of the entire product line, by 73%.

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