Before creating a detergent brand, we studied the market. We studied the strengths and weaknesses of the major players in the market and researched the weaknesses that allowed other players to enter the market. We shared our experiences with vendors and got their advice. We conducted interviews to identify consumer needs and concerns.

After gathering analysis and ideas, we focused on improving the product’s composition, size, and packaging. We organized a focus group and collected their opinions on design and fragrances.

The name Aklis was chosen for the new brand. Aklis is an original name derived from the combination of the words Agstis fox (Arctic fox). The main emphasis is on cleanliness, neatness and whiteness, and the fox is one of the neatest creatures.

The name Aklis is spelled legibly, easy to pronounce, and easy to remember. At the same time it fully meets the requirements of naming. In line with this name, we chose the slogan “Aklik sembolu” – “Symbol of Whiteness”. It corresponds to the name of the product and the value it provides.


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