Samandar Milk Food
What does the quality of dairy products mean to the people of Uzbekistan?
This is the image of an aunt who brings fresh dairy products directly to the entrance of high-rise buildings every morning, loudly announcing “Milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese…”.
The image of this aunt is not just a unique delivery tradition, but a symbol of quality familiar to every Uzbek.
Damas is more than just a vehicle; it’s a symbol of delivery that has been popular in Uzbekistan for generations.
1. Problem
Samandar Milk brand had a problem. Despite the high quality of their products, their packaging was not appealing enough to modern consumers. Most buyers choose products based on their visual appeal, so Samandar Milk needed to create a new, more attractive packaging design.
2. Solution
The solution was a creative reimagining of the existing image: we took everyone’s favorite image of an aunt and transformed it into a mascot in the form of a cow. This cow, wearing the traditional outfit of an aunt, now delivers dairy products, running around Damas.
By combining two unique images, we draw attention to the products on the shelves and evoke warm associations with the morning delivery of dairy products.
As a result, we not only solved the packaging issue, but also strengthened our connection with the cultural traditions of Uzbekistan. After introducing the new packaging design, sales of Samandar milk products increased by 55% in the first two months, confirming the effectiveness of our creative approach.